
Finally, an interactive Ralph Wiggum,

I've been waiting my whole life for this...

I ated the purple berries.
How are they, Ralph? Good?
They taste like burning...

I bent my wookiee.

Ralphie, if your nose starts bleeding, it means you're picking it too much. Or, not enough.

The doctor says I wouldn't have so many nose bleeds if I just kept my finger out of there.

This is my swingset, and this is my sandbox. I'm not allowed to go in the deep end. That's where I saw the leprechaun. He told me to burn things.

Dear Miss Hoover,
You have Lyme Disease. We miss you. Kevin's biting me. Come back soon. Here's a drawing of a spyrokeet.
Love, Ralph

Was President Lincoln OK?

What's a battle?

What's for lunch tomorrow?
Chicken necks?

Bye, witches. Thanks for not eating me!

I heard your Dad went into a restaurant and ate everything in the restaurant and they had to close the restaurant.

When I grow up, I'm going to Bovine University!

Hi, Lisa! Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers! Hi, Liar!

Mr. Skinner and Mrs. Krabapple were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me.

And when the doctor said I didn't have worms anymore, that was the happiest day of my life.

Ralph, you'll be on special teams.
I'm special!

Miss Hoover, I glued my head to my shoulder.

Miss Hoover? My worm went in my mouth and I ate it can I have a new one?

Chocolate microscopes?

My cat's breath smells like cat food.

I dress myself!

I ate all my caps. POW! Oooh!

Me fail English? Thats unpossible!

I'm going to eat chocolate 'til I barf!

You're right, I don't brush...I don't brush!

My knob tastes funny.

I'm Idaho!

Hi Lisa...We're going to be in a pie.

Oh boy...sleep...that's where I'm a Viking!

What's for lunch tomorrow...chicken necks?

I don't have a red crayon...I ate it.

It says choo-choo-choose me, and there's a picture of a train.

Principal Skinner, I got carsick in your office.

My neck hurts and my ear hurts. I have two owwies.

When I grow up, I want to be a principal or a caterpillar.

Daddy, I'm scared. Too scared to even wet my pants.

Help! She's touching my special area.

Bushes are nice 'cause they don't have prickers. Unless they do. This one did. Ouch!

Then, the doctor told me that BOTH my eyes were lazy! And that's why it was the best summer ever!

This snowflake tastes like fishsticks.

Lisa's bad dancing makes my feet sad.